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    上海岩井精工结构件有限公司成立于1995年5月,为中日合资企业,注册资本300万美元,2006年转为中港合资企业,目前公司资产总额达1500万美元。公司地处上海市青浦区华新镇华纪路138号,占地面积约12000㎡,建筑面积9000㎡,员工140人,拥有日本制造的CNC精密数控车床、凸轮式自动车床、高精度无心磨床、车铣复合机床等先进生产设备; 拥有2.5次元影像测量仪、光学自动筛选机、投影仪、镭射测径仪、粗糙度仪、布氏,洛氏,维氏硬度仪、多台自主研发检测设备、自动包装设备等。

    公司生产和销售各种类型、规格的五金精密零部件,主要为各类驱动轴、连接轴以及铆钉等。 产品涉及领域有:OA类(打印机复印机)用品、小家电用品、汽车零部件、卫生洁具类用品、液压系统用品、医疗设备类用品等。 多年来公司利用先进的加工设备和技术能力,为许多世界知名企业做配套供应,主要客户有:佳能、理光、富士胶片、飞利浦、Flexlink、Graco、TOTO、日立安斯泰莫等。

    公司2000年1月通过ISO9002:1994质量管理体系的认证(2003年2月顺利转版ISO9001:2000);  2005年1月通过ISO14001:1996环境管理体系的认证(2006年5月转版ISO14001:2004); 2019年取得了IATF 16949:2016证书,同时也通过了客户绿色采购、CMS认证。公司拥有36项发明专利和实用新型专利,并于2020年取得了“国家高新技术企业”称号。

    上海岩井精工结构件有限公司以“持续精进、客户满意”为经营理念,利用先进的生产设备和技术、完备的管理体系确保自身核心竞争力,在价格、品质、服务等方面回馈客户。 同时公司秉承环境保护、人文关怀等理念,持续为社会贡献并创造价值。 在制造业转型升级、先进制造智能制造的时代背景下,公司审视自我、完善自我、精进自我,以积极进取的精神不断向前迈进!

    Shanghai Yanjing Precision Structural Parts Co.,Ltd  hereinafter referred to as Yanjing, was founded in May 1995 as a Sino-Japanese joint venture and has a registered capital of 3 million US dollars. Yanjing was converted to a Sino-Hong Kong joint venture in 2006 and has total assets of 15 million US dollars. Yanjing is located at 138 Huaji Road, Huaxin Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai. Yanjing covers an area of about 12,000 square meters, with a construction area of 9,000 square meters, and has 140 employees.  Yanjing has made-in-Japan CNC precision lathes, cam-type automatic lathes, and high-precision centerless grinders, NC-lathe-mills, and other types of advanced manufacturing machines. Yanjing also has 2.5-dimensional image measuring instruments, Automated Optical Inspection(AOI), projectors, laser diameter gauges, roughness testers, hardness testers, automatic packaging machines, and original measuring machines.

    Yanjing manufactures precision hardware that meets different specifications, including driving shaft, connecting shaft, rivet, etc. Yanjing’s product lines cover OA (printer copier) supplies, small household appliances, auto parts, sanitary ware supplies, hydraulic system supplies, medical equipment supplies, etc.  For decades has Yanjing been the supplier for many world-renowned companies for our advanced equipments and technical skills. Yanjing’s primary customers include but not limited to Canon, Ricoh, Fujifilm, Philips, Flexlink, Graco, TOTO, and Hitachi Astemo.

    Yanjing was certified by the ISO 9002:1994 in January 2000 (which was transferred into ISO9001: 2000 in February 2003), the ISO14001: 1996 in January 2005 (transferred into ISO14001: 2004 in May 2006). Yanjing was certified by the IATF 16949: 2016 in 2019, and also certified by GPP(Green Public Procurement) and CMS.  Yanjing has 36 patents for invention and patents for utility models and was qualified as an HNTE (High and new technology enterprise) in 2020.

    We have established "continuous perfection fuels customer satisfaction" as our core value and sustain our core competencies with advanced manufacturing machines and technologies as well as our complete management system, aiming to provide our clients with premium services and products at reasonable prices. We comply with environmental obligations and maintain a corporate culture of compassionate care, continuously contributing to the community and creating value that lasts. In the era of transforming and upgrading the traditional industries as well as promoting advanced and intelligent manufacturing, we reflect on ourselves, perfect ourselves, and forge ahead continuously.



    当社は、各種の精密軸類部品を生産・販売しています。製品としては、主に駆動軸・シャフト・ボス等があります。複写機、プリンター等のOA事務用部品・小型家電用品・自動車部品・オートバイキャブレターと油圧設備・医療設備等に使われています。当社は優れた技術力と先端加工設備を通じて、キヤノン、リコー、富士ゼロックス、Philips Enabling、Flexlink、Graco、TOTO、日立安斯泰莫等、世界で有名な大手企業様とも取引頂いております。

    当社は、2000年1月にISO9002:1994品質管理システムの認証(2003年2月にISO9001:2000取得)を取得しました。また、2005年1月には、ISO14001:1996環境管理システムの認証(2006年5月にISO14001:2004取得)を取得し、2019年にはIATF 16949:2016版も取得しております。そして、お客様からグリーン調達承認とGMS認証も頂いております。当社は、発明特許・実用新型特許あわせて36件を保有しております。2020年には、国家ハイテク企業にも認定されています。



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